from Utaban, Ohno showing his pic when he's wearing suspender huh??
kyyaaa riida why so cute ♥♥♥♥♥ ???? ok i'm too biassed here
and i put a lil Sho-kun here
since i love making frens from many countries, i would like to know how many of you here have a facebook account?? or to put it facebook pupular in ur country?? and if u dont mind, would you leave ur e-mail adress here so i could add you on facebook? ^^
PS : aahhh~ i'm so sick of this Nino-Masami uwasako, as long as they dont have physical evidence i wont trust this rumour..but if they do have the proof, well..wat can i say? he deserves a normal life, even Ohno cant stop him *LOLS
I'm sharing various OP
*buat anak InA yg ga mw spoiler mending ga usah baca postan gw..hahahah
hi minna, genki?? arumiiko's been 1 week that i'm not filling my vox with entries after 3 busy weeks full of midterm tests, finally i managed to watch AAA 2008!!! though i'm not done yet..XXD
kkyyaaa how much i love this pairing so much
PS to Jun : please take a good care of our lovely Riida ^^
and my fav from all
*off to watch AAA 2008..huwahahahah
001. Real name → Arumanda Tanjungsari
002. Like it? → biasa aja, soale ada nama kluarga bokap
003. Nickname(s)→ arum, aruwm, seus
004. Status → sdg menjalani perkawinan dgn ohno satoshi, hahahah..saya single! ada yg berminat?? wakakakka
005. Zodiac sign
→ virgo
006. Male or
female → female
007. Elementary→ SDN Kebayoran Lama Selatan 01 pagi (ZOMG ga femes)
008. Middle
School → SMP 19 republica de columbia jakarta (seriusan namanya emang gt dan norak)
009. High School
→ hujuthulup nangulub alias SMU 70 bulungan -___-
010. Hair color → used to be brown coffee tp lama2 memudar menjd hitam, hahah
011. Long or
short → sebahu lebih
012. Eye color → itewm, mo apalg hah??
013. Weight → wew say sensi sm berat, se ohno klo ga slh inget
014. Height → skitar 157-159cm maybe
015. Righty or
lefty → bukan org kidal
016. Loud or
Quiet → LOUD to klo sm org bru Quiet
017. Sweats or
Jeans → hidup jeans
018. Phone or
Camera → phone aja deh
019. Health freak
→ ngga juga.mlh sering melanggar
020. Piercings? →
berpikir lagi
021. Do you have
a crush on someone? → YA! say it wtih loud voice, kakakakka
022. Eat or Drink
→ minumlah..seret makan mulu
023. Purse or
Backpack → purse..walopun ga ada isinya
024. Tattoos → cma sneng liatin aja
025. Do You Like
Yourself? → yes i do
026. Current
worry? → UTS gw nasipnya gimana
027. Orange or
Apple Juice? → jeruk
028. Night or
Day? → night
029. Sun or Moon?
→ moon
030. TV or
Internet? → internet is a big yes!
or XBox? → XBox, slalu kpengen lbh ngidam psp sih..hahah
032. Kiss or Hug?
→ kek lagunya aiko kisshug..mwnya di kissu2 aja deh smbil di hug *halah
033. Iguana or
Turtle? →kame
034. Spider or
Bee? → ga dua2nya
035. Fall or
Spring? → fall
036. Limewire or
iTunes? → Limewire lah..ipodnya aja ga punya T^T
037. Soccer or
Baseball? → sepakbola dong
038. First
surgery → alhamdulillah belom pernah
039. First
piercing → lupakh
040. First best
friend → tari, aya, ajeng
041. First Sport?
→ basket kyknya
042. First award
→ ga tau
043. First crush
→ dr TK jg udh first yg serius sih pas jamannya SMA
044. First pet → ga bole mlihara pet, tp stau gw wktu itu smpet mlihara anjing, kucingm dan KERA! OMG BOKAP GW DULU PLIHARA KERA??
045. First big
vacation → kelas 4sd ke bali brg kluarga besar..hahahah
046. First big
birthday → jaman SD kls 2
047. Eating →
soes isi fla
048. Drinking → es teh nyokap
049. I'm about to
→ ga ngapa2in
050. Listening to
→ ga juga
051. Singing? → saya dmen karaoke! walo suara sumbangnya bukan main
052. Typing? →
lah ini apuuehh??
053. Waiting for
→ ntah deh
054. Want kids? → budayakan KB!
055. When? →
abis nikah, kawin bru punya anak
056. Want to get
married? → skrgpun gw siap, hahahah
When? → kan gw blg, skrgpun jadi..ada calonnya ga??
058. Where Do You
Want To Live? → L-O-N-D-O-N, jepun juga pgn sih..hahaha
059. Careers in
mind → pokonya mw kerja di bank asal jgn jd security -__-
060. What Did You
Want To Be When You Were Little? → cita2 standar anak kecil.."aku ingin jd dokter", tp kenyataan berkata lai..hahah
061. Mellow
Future Or Wild? → lebih srg WILD
062. Something
You Would Never Try? → MAKAN CABE RAWIT PKE GORENGAN..jgn pernah kau coba menyodorkan cabe ke gw
063. Lips or eyes
→ mata cowo berbicara
064. Shorter or
taller? → taller giling!
065. Romantic or
spontaneous → i choose spontaneous, tp pgn diperlakukan romantis juga..XD
066. Nice stomach
or nice arms → nice arms
067. Sensitive or
loud →ung...
068. Hook-up or
relationship → relationship!
069. Trouble
maker or hesitant → hesitant tuh op?? gw twnya hestitate
070. Hugging or
Kissing? → ko nanya maning??
071. Tan Skinned
or Light? → light, soalnya gw udh itewm..
072. Dark or
Light Hair? → dark sounds cool
073. Muscular or
Normal? → normal ajah..bisa2 gw dipites klo ktauan macem2
074. Lost
glasses/contacts → apa ni mksdnya?
075. Ran away
from home → gile lo..yg ada gw ga dianggep anak lg
076. Held a
gun/knife for self defense?→ PISAU PRAMUKA GW PERNAH
077. Killed
somebody → astajim
078. Broken
someone's heart → pernah..hihihi
079. Been
arrested → jgn smpe
080. Cried when
someone died → pernah bgt
081. Kissed A
Stranger? → nope!
082. Climbed Up A
Tree? → blom ksampean stelah pohon bacang gw ditebang
083. Liked A
Friend As More Than A Friend? → pernah dong
084. Yourself → maian sering
085. Miracles → kadang2
086. Love at
first sight → ndak sih keknya, soalnya slalu cinta di pandangan kedua dan sterusnya
087. Heaven → sgt percaya
088. Santa Claus
→ nope
089. Kiss on the
first date → klo cowonya ganteng aku mau
090. Is there one
person you want to be with right now → ada tp gw ga knal dan dia sdg belajar di sana~
091. Do You Like
Someone? → iyeh..ngeyel deh
092. Are you
seriously happy with where you are in life → ho'oh dah
093. Do you
believe in God → pertanyyan geblek!
Recieved/Sent Text Message → ngirim sms ke awo
095. Received
Call → kagak
096. Call Made? → nelpon nha td
097. Comment On
MySpace? → yo oloh udh staun ga buka myspace
098. Missed Call?
→ nope
099. Person You
Hung out With? → pulang brg minul sm ajeng td
100. Post as 100
truths and tag
wuih kelar juga..cape bok
saya mulai mencium gelagat genit Sho sama mbak fukakyon, baca translatannya
dasar ye yg namanya laki, ga bisa liat cw sexy dikit, hahaha
lalu si mbak fukakyon ini ngajak Sho karokean, well ga cuma Sho sih kyknya
dan dgn binalnya Fukakyon manggil Sho dengan sebutan..
tp overall sih gw suka sm pairing ini, cuma Kyokonya nampak Hime skali, kurang cocok sm imejnya Sho yg baka..abis klo sama Ai-chan, msh dibawah umur! kakakakaka
-In General-
1. Which Johnny band is your favourite?
2. Why?
karna cma tertarik sama mreka, lagian jg pada punya bakat
3. Who is your favourite Johnny?
Ohno Satoshi
4. Why?
simple boy! ga macem2, penurut, lucu, bisa di unyel2 sesuka hati
5. When is your very first finding of JE?
kapan ya?? pas SMP klo ga salah
6. Who was it?
lupa, antara V6 sama T&T
7. How did you know him?
dari sodara gw yg beli kasetnya
8. When actually did you really start listening/liking the JE?
akhir 2007
9. What incident brought you into JE?
Matsujun di HYD 1
10. Do you have a favourite JE song?
hampir smua lagu2 ARASHI
11. Do you listen to them the most?
yoi dong!
12. If not, who is your favourite band/artist?
yg jelas bukan artis2 baru luar negri
13. Which band/singer did you listen/like the most before JE?
55. Who is your favourite in Arashi?
Ohno Satoshi
56. Why?
yah pke ditanya lagi..perlukah gw sebutkan?? hahah..dia itu berbakat, ga sombong, rendah hati, patuh pd org tua serta rajin menabung, removable, disposable *eh ga ding! ringan bisa dibawa2, ga rewel klo diculik, apapun deh yg ada di diri dia gw anggap mnarik
57. Do you have a favourite song of Arashi?
Love So Sweet ga ada matinya
58. Do you have a favourite live of Arashi?
apa yew?? AAA 2007 bagus
59. Do you have a favourite show appearance of Arashi?
MMA kodomo no bangohan
60. Who do you think can sing the best of Arashi?
gimme S..gimme A..gimme T..gimme O..gimme S..gimme H..gimme I
61. Who do you think can dance the most of Arashi?
Ohno Ohno Ohno kkyyaaa~
62. Who is the girliest of Arashi?
haa sapa yew?? ohno lumayan sering, tp Jun juga
63. Who is the manliest of Arashi?
akang Sho Sakurai
64. Who is the cutest member of Arashi?
Aibaby for sure
65. Who is the funniest member of Arashi?
Aiba tp pairing Sakuraiba juga mantabh
66. Who is the most prettiest in Arashi?
67. Who has the best apperance in Arashi?
Jun lagee
68. Do you have a favourite PV of Arashi?
Kitto Daijoubu
75. Do you have a favourite actor in JE?
76. Do you have a favourite dorama starring with one of JE?
banyak..ada Maou, Uta no Onii, Yamada Taro, dan HYD yg tiada duanya
77. What was your very first dorama staring with one of JE?
78. Which dorama of JE did you watch recently?
Uta no Oniisan starring Ohno
79. Which dorama of JE do you want to watch?
apa ya?? Rescue bagus ga seh??
80. Who do you wish would/should start acting, who hasn't yet?
haduh kurang tau JE..hum..Hikaru aja deh, gw blom prnh liat doramanya
81. Who do you wish should stop acting, because he sucks at acting or he should do something else
-Questions for fun-
82. Do you think that you are JE addicted?
bisa dikatakan bgitu tp ga terlalu, lg mencoba menetralisir
83. Why do you think so?
soalnya ga slamanya gw di dunia fandom ini *ooohh...
84. What will you do seeing your favourite Johnny standing infront of your door?
Ini Ohno bneran bukan? *smbl towel2 pantatnya pke vibrator
85. What advantages does starting liking JE give you?
bisa betemu teman2 di dunia maya *nyambung ga sih??
86. What disadvantages does it give you?
87. How many times a day do you think about JE?hampir tiap hari
88. How many times do you have the face of your favourite Johnny around you?
ga ada di deket2 gw, yg ada malah si kiseki boy gara2 sekampus
89. If your favourite Johnny or your favourite JE has to grant you a wish what would it be?
Satoshi apakah kmu rela cintamu terbagi 5??
90. If you have a wish about JE, what would it be?
mbok yo jgn terlalu produktif, berikan dompet kami napas!!
91. If you are reborn, you wish to be who?
gw aja deh
92. If you are a Johhny's right now, who do you wish you are?
93. If you can ask your favourite Johnny or your favourite JE band a question, what would it be?
mau ga kawin sama saya??
94. Did you ever had a dream with a Johhny?
95. If yes, when was it and what was it?
lupa gw
96. Do you have any realizeable goal in your life that has to do with JE?
nonton konser mreka, ke JE shop, jd stalker, hahaha
97. Do you like JE shounen ai fanfics?
98. If yes, who are the best couple of JE?
99. Why do you idolize the JE member you want to be if you were them?
apasih ni??
100. Name at least 5 reasons why you like your favorite.
-karena mreka sgt2 akrawb dibandingin grup lain
-karena mreka punya bakat
-karena mreka konyol ga ktulungan
-karena mreka produktif
-karena mreka adalah ARASHI
1. Where you and I met?
di LSJ taun lalu klo ga salah inget
2. How long have you known me?
bru setaun kyknya, apa kurang ?? hahahah..maav short term memory
3. The last time we saw each other?
di PIM abis dr fx, ewriin bersama teman2nya
4. Your first impression of me upon meeting/seeing me?
biasa aja, spertinya asyik anaknya, XD
5. Then? is your first impression right or wrong?
bner dong..hahaha
6. What's my favorite food?
apa ya?? western food kyknya..
7. What's my favorite music?
arashi lah pasti..sama apa tuh riwn?? no talent yew??
8. Would you call me preppy, average, sporty, punk, hippie, glam, nerdy, snobby, or something else(what)?
9. Have you ever hugged me?
belom keknya
10. If there was one good nickname for me, what would it be?
ewriin tmennya bew bew *peace riwn
11. If you and I were stranded on an island, what would I bring?
laptop, HD, chiki, satoshi utk mnemani di kala senggang
12. What do you think I will be in 25 years?
hum....meneketehe, hohoho
13. Will you re-post this so I can fill this out for you?
ngetag siapapun deh yg belom
I'VE FOUND THIS IN MY LOCAL MUSIC STORE!!! coz it's very rare in my country to find ARASHI related stuff
*sorry for the poor quality
HOORAY!!! and it only costs 100k or around $8..huwihihihihihi..and i found Dream Alive RE too, but i didnt buy it coz i dont have any more money after paying for the dvd T^T, maybe next time..*sabar rum sabar
accountant wannabe, proud to be 6th memba, pretty satoshi fetish
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